Saving Your Yard from a Digger
Dogs dig for a lot of reasons, some breeds are naturally inclined to dig, some dig because they're hot and like to lay
in the cool dirt, others dig because they're bored. If you have a digging problem, here are some helpful ways to have your
dog and a beautiful yard co-exist.
Divide the Yard in Two
If you have the space, designate a special area of the yard for your dog and separate it, by fencing, from other areas
of the yard. Don't forget to make your dog's special area fun, too, by hiding treats and burying toys.
Ensure He Has Plenty to Do Every Day
Exercise your dog physically and mentally; a dog kept active is less inclined to dig. Interact with him by taking long
walks, running or conducting training sessions. Provide your dog with plenty of interactive toys.
Trim His Nails
Keeping your dog's nails trimmed short can help make digging less efficient.
Keep Your Dog Indoors
A can't-miss cure for curbing digging is to keep your dog indoors if you can't be there to guide his behaviors.
Dog Behavior
Taking the Anxiety Out of Separation
As social animals, it's normal for puppies to form attachments to their pet parent. Attachment implies a trusting relationship
and is the foundation of a good, healthy bond between pet and pet parent. However, when a dog becomes overly dependent on
its pet parent, problem behaviors may result.
Causes of separation anxiety in dogs include early separation from the mom, deprivation of attachment early in life, sudden
environment changes and the addition of a new family member. Behaviors associated with separation anxiety occur shortly after
departure and include:
Defecation and urination in inappropriate locations
Destructive behavior
Excessive barking and whining
Refusal to eat or drink
Note: These behaviors may also be the symptoms of other problems. Always consult your veterinarian to ensure there are
no underlying medical problems.
To help your puppy be more relaxed when left alone, consider the following tips:
Work on Departures
Start with leaving your puppy alone for a short amount of time and gradually work up the amount of time he is left alone.
As he becomes accustomed to being alone, you can leave him alone for longer periods.
Keep Exits and Returns Low Key
Your departures and homecomings should be kept calm, matter-of-fact and unemotional.
Exercise Your Puppy before Departures
To lessen some of the natural energy your puppy has stored up, ensure he gets plenty of physical exercise before leaving
him alone.
Don't Crate the Issue
Crating doesn't solve a separation anxiety problem, and may worsen it if your puppy learns that every time he is put in
his crate, you are going to leave him. To minimize crate-induced separation anxiety, get your puppy comfortable with his crate
when you're at home by putting your puppy in the crate for a nap or a short rest several times a day. Until you have the problem
resolved, arrange for someone to be with your dog during times when you're away or consider day boarding.